Let’s get chilly! – How to freeze vegetables

By  – Amelia Baines ·  · 3 min read

Whoever invented the freezer was a smart cookie! We probably all freeze things like leftovers, bread and ice cream but have you ever thought about freezing your surplus vegetables?

There are many vegetables that freeze well and can be enjoyed later without losing their flavour, texture, and nutritional value. Here are some examples of vegetables that freeze well:

  • Green beans – blanch before freezing
  • Peas – blanch before freezing
  • Carrots – blanch before freezing
  • Broccoli – blanch before freezing
  • Cauliflower – blanch before freezing
  • Brussels sprouts – blanch before freezing
  • Corn – blanch before freezing or freeze raw
  • Spinach – blanch before freezing or freeze raw
  • Kale – blanch before freezing or freeze raw
  • Capsicum – freeze raw
  • Onions – freeze raw or blanched
  • Garlic – freeze raw or blanched
  • Tomatoes – freeze raw or blanched, remove skins before freezing
  • Pumpkin – cook and puree before freezing

When freezing some vegetables, it is important to blanch them first to help preserve their texture, colour, and flavour. Blanching involves briefly boiling the vegetables in water and then immediately cooling them in ice water to stop the cooking process. After blanching, drain the vegetables well and pat them dry before packing them for freezing.

It is also essential to store frozen vegetables in airtight containers or freezer bags and to label them with the date so that you can keep track of how long they have been frozen. Vegetables can be stored in the freezer for 8-12 months. When you are ready to use them, simply thaw the vegetables in the refrigerator or by placing them in a bowl of cold water before cooking.

Next time you have veggies to spare, pop them in the freezer and preserve them for your future self and future wealth!